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Elearning and blended learning

Having the flexibility to deliver courses online means more people can access training programmes to suit their needs. The EMA's self-paced modules offer convenient learning options with multimedia content, quizzes, and assessments.

Our eLearning courses are fully integrated across our learning portfolio, allowing you to understand the fundamentals of the Commerce Act, robbery prevention, or communication in a crisis at your own workspace, at your own pace.

Build a team of experts in your business!

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How to Attract and Retain Top Talent

Learn the stages of talent management from recruiting to transition plus discover ways to connect and develop relationships that benefit both the business and the talent you hire.

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Performance Improvement Plan Meeting

Learn the steps for setting up a Performance Improvement Plan meeting plus find strategies to help your staff member become accountable for their growth while meeting your obligations as an employer.

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Where the PIP Responsibilities Lie

Gain insight on how to work with an HR representative to turn the Performance Improvement Process into a mentoring opportunity as well as understand what your responsibilities as a manager are.

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Introduction to Performance Improvement

An 'Introduction to Performance Improvement' will help turn difficult conversations about performance issues into mentoring opportunities by applying a structured approach in a constructive manner.

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Interviewer Skills

Gain insights, tips and suggestions for conducting interviews with job applicants, exit interviews or feedback sessions by going through informative question asking as well as interview processes.

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Minimising Conflict in the Workplace

Help your leaders to set expectations around behaviours to minimise workplace conflict by effectively dealing with disagreements and identifying and seeking out the correct assistance as necessary.

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