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ASB Manufacturers Workshop: The Impact of Industry 4.0 on your business

ASB Manufacturers Workshop: The Impact of Industry 4.0 on your business

3 hours

From $99.00 excl. GST

Join us for a practical exploration of Industry 4.0 technology and its transformative potential for your business.

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EMA Member-Exclusive Forum: Hon Chris Penk, Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing

EMA Member-Exclusive Forum: Hon Chris Penk, Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing

1 hour 30 minutes


The EMA invites you to hear from the recently appointed Minister for Small Business and Manufacturing, Hon Chris Penk at the EMA on Wednesday 16 April.

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EMA x EECA Webinar: The Modern Energy Audit

EMA x EECA Webinar: The Modern Energy Audit

1 hour


Join us for an engaging webinar on Modern Energy Audits for a comprehensive look into the benefits, technology, and best practices in energy audits for the manufacturing sector.

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From FTAs to UAE, what’s on the horizon for manufacturers and exporters

From FTAs to UAE, what’s on the horizon for manufacturers and exporters

2 hours 30 minutes


We invite Waikato manufacturers and exporters to join us for a presentation followed by a factory tour of Architectural Glass Products (AGP), a state-of-the-art double-glazing manufacturing business in Hautapu, Cambridge. 

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